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Welcome to White Pebble Dermatology practice in Columbia, Maryland, and Highland, Maryland! Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer, and it typically appears as a pearly or waxy bump on the skin. While basal cell carcinoma is rarely life-threatening, it can cause significant damage to the skin and surrounding tissues if left untreated. In this section, we'll discuss basal cell carcinoma in more detail and explain how our team can help you detect and treat this condition.

What is Basal Cell Carcinoma?

Basal cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer that develops in the basal cells, which are located in the lower part of the epidermis, the outermost layer of skin. It typically appears as a pearly or waxy bump on the skin, but it can also present as a flat, brown, or flesh-colored lesion. Basal cell carcinoma is most commonly found on areas of the body that are frequently exposed to the sun, such as the face, neck, and hands.

How is Basal Cell Carcinoma diagnosed?

BCC can be diagnosed clinically by the presence of a slowly growing skin lesion with a typical appearance. A skin biopsy is needed to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment Options

There are a variety of effective treatment options for basal cell carcinoma, including:

  • Excision: the lesion is cut out surgically.
  • Mohs surgery: a highly-effective surgical technique that removes the cancerous tissue layer by layer until only healthy tissue remains.
  • Curettage and electrodesiccation: a treatment in which the cancerous tissue is scraped off the skin and the area is cauterized
  • Topical medications: creams, gels, and lotions that are applied directly to the skin to kill cancerous cells
  • Radiation therapy: a treatment that uses high-energy rays to kill cancer cells

Our team of dermatology specialists will work closely with you to determine the best treatment approach based on the size, location, and extent of the basal cell carcinoma.


Preventing basal cell carcinoma is important, especially if you are at a higher risk due to factors such as fair skin, a history of sunburns, or a family history of skin cancer. Here are some tips to help prevent basal cell carcinoma:

  • Avoid sunburn.
  • Wear protective clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts and wide-brimmed hats
  • Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and reapply every two hours
  • Seek shade during the sun's peak hours, typically from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Avoid tanning beds and other sources of artificial UV radiation

A routine skin exam by dermatology specialists is key to diagnosing Basal Cell Carcinoma early.

Why Choose Us?

At our dermatology practice, we understand the impact that basal cell carcinoma can have on your skin and your overall health. That's why we are committed to providing compassionate, personalized care to each and every one of our patients. Our team of experienced dermatology specialists has the knowledge and expertise to provide you with the best possible care and treatment for basal cell carcinoma.

Basal Cell Carcinoma treatment near me in Columbia, Maryland, and Highland, Maryland

Ready to Take the First Step?

If you need a skin cancer screening, or if you're concerned about basal cell carcinoma, skin cancer in general, or are interested in learning more about our treatment options, we invite you to call/text to schedule a visit with one of our dermatology providers. We look forward to helping you achieve healthier, clearer skin.

Other Medical Dermatology

  • American Academy of Physician Assistants Logo
  • American Academy of Dermatology Association Logo
  • The Maryland Academy of Physician Assistants Logo
  • Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants Logo
  • Consumers Research Logo